Welcome to Immtell Ltd., registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) and authorised to provide immigration advice and services at Level 1 in the category of Immigration. Our registration number is F202200109.

By using our site and services, you indicate that you have read and understand these Terms and Conditions and agree to always abide by them, the Terms and Conditions also constitute your Client Care Letter.


We are here to provide UK immigration assistance and representation in relation to your UK immigration matter.


We offer Automated Immigration Guidance via our platform and an optional Application Review service. The automated guidance provides a general direction for your immigration process based on common scenarios and general rules. We do not accept any liability for the advice provided through this tool, as we have not seen your documents or considered your personal circumstances.

However, if you opt for our Application Review service, our immigration experts will review your application in detail. This includes considering your personal circumstances, studying the documents you provide, and giving personalised advice based on these details. We accept liability for the advice given through the Application Review service only in accordance with the requirements of the OISC.


The fee for your chosen services is available at checkout, along with itemisation of the services chosen. Additional services such as the optional application review service and legal cover letters can be purchased from within your account on the online platform, the prices and scope of services are outlined for you to make an informed decision.


If at any stage you have any concerns regarding the conduct of your matter, please contact us at info@immtell.com. If we are unable to resolve matters to your satisfaction, you are entitled to contact the OISC, their address is:


PO Box 567



Tel: 0345 000 0046

Email: info@oisc.gov.uk

The OISC is the public body, which regulates immigration advice and services within the UK.  The OISC may review your file as part of their regulatory role. 


If we review your application and documents, the OISC requires us to keep a copy of your case file for up to 6 years after your case is closed.  After that this maybe destroyed, unless you make arrangements to collect it from us.


The OISC requires us to have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII). The purpose of PII is to cover any compensation you may need to pay to correct a mistake or to cover any legal costs due to negligence, misrepresentation and/or inaccurate advice which may cause, or contribute to, financial or other loss to the client


By using our online services, you are indicating your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use our service.

July 2023